Tuesday, June 4, 2013

John Rakolta's Jail Folly

John Rakolta Jr., a Romney family member and Romney’s financial national co-chair for Mitt’s 2012 run for president, is in trouble and the State of Michigan is thinking of helping to bail Rakolta Jr. out.  Rakolta owner of Detroit-based Walbridge Aldinger Co. won the bid for the Wayne County Jail project from scandal ridden Terry Mullins. In the past questions were raised on methods Rakolta used to get the Wayne County contract for the new jail. 100 million dollars has been already spent on the jail and an estimates of an additional 65 million dollars in cost overruns will be needed for completion.  

Not good news for Wayne County Executive Ficano, he now has another scandal on his hands.   Alas! Could there be hope on the horizons helping to subdue the coming jail scandal, a dark knight riding to the rescue?

Enter Dan Gilbert, the Detroit Greek Town Casino owner.  With the jail build massively over budget and behind on completion date,  Gilbert, a Romney insider, has offered to bail Wayne County out and buy Rakolta’s jail folly for a new casino – or should it be said another casino in Detroit. All are waiting for Gov. Rick Snyder’s, another Romney insider, decision.

Detroit is rapidly becoming a Romney Pottersville with Detroiters finding it’s not such a”wonderful life”.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Open letter to Michigan Governor Richard Snyder requesting removal of David T. Fischer Jr. from Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission

Dear Governor Snyder,

I am requesting the removal of David T. Fischer Jr. from Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission. The Judicial Tenure Commission’s purpose is to “ensure the integrity of the judicial process and preserve public confidences in the court”. David Fischer is a political animal and too compromised to full fill the responsibility of the commission.

Several years ago, after divorcing and needing a job, I was hired at one of Fischer’s dealerships. I was unaware of the close relationship of Fischer and the Romney family, until the Michigan-Detroit Mission President for the Mormon Church, an associate of the Romney’s, entered the dealership. David Fischer Jr. drove into the dealership and parked outside my office window as the mission president entered the building.  Fischer sat in his car with his engine running observing me for over an hour, the duration of time the mission president was in dealership.  Fischer parking outside my window was inconsistent and odd behavior. While the mission president was in the dealership staff approached informing me of Fischer’s close friendship with members of the Mormon Church, further stating several of the staff also had close Mormon friends.  Prior, during and after the mission president’s visit at the dealership, harassing calls were transferred to my work phone.

Later, members of the Fischer family acted as an enforcer for an illegal deal to protect a child predator. David T.  Fischer Jr.’s family’s involvement is particularly distressing.  Prior to learning of an assault on my child, I received 5 hours of phones calls arriving every 10 minutes from a caller bragging about harming my child. Although, I contacted police of the calls and later informed the police again, as well as the county prosecutor when I learned an assault had taken place they did nothing.

 Over the next several years, I learned some of the details of the assault and also learned of a secret agreement made by legal authorities in Livingston County, my former husband Samuel J. Skousen and others to conceal the assault and protect a child predator.  Part of the agreement was I was to lose all martial assets if the predator was protected.  David T. Fischer Jr.’s sister-in-law was chosen as the realtor to sell the marital home I was living in. My former husband Samuel J. Skousen put the marital home in foreclosure during a long court battle. 

 I was horrified to find months after my home was sold in foreclosure, Mitt Romney, during a speech in Farmington Hills, Michigan, stood in front of a banner carrying the name of a company owned by the extended family of a man whom a PPO  was taken out to protect my child.  I e-mailed Scott Romney asking who was behind this and who obtained the political contributions - Scott, or David Fischer? Scott did not respond to my e-mail.

David T.  Fischer Jr. is in a position to punish judges that do not go along with a corrupt agenda, as well as protect judges who willingly go along.  Neither the public, nor victims can have confidence in the court and judicial system when people involved in wrong doing sit on the Judicial Tenure Commission.

I respectfully request David T. Fischer Jr.’s removal from Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission.


Debbie (McCord) Skousen

 Please read and sign Change. Org open letter to Gov. Snyder   

Additional Background and Biography of David T. Fischer Jr.

Appointments to the Michigan Judicial System are made by the Governor and do not need citizen, or legislators’ approval.   Governor Rick Snyder said when announcing Fischer’s appointment “David has extensive experience with the public and private sector. “His unique backgrounds will benefit the commission and citizens.”

“Flanked by delegates from Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder deferred the announcement of the state's delegate count to Mitt Romney's proud and emotional brother” – Mlive www.mlive.com

Photo M-live, Scott Romney (suit with blue tie) middle Ronna Romney McDaniel, Governor Rick Snyder, 2nd row standing behind McDaniel is David T. Fischer Jr. (white hair, glasses) at GOP Tampa Convention

David T. Fischer Jr. is the owner of the Suburban Collection with dealerships through-out Michigan and Florida.

David T. Fischer Jr. served as Mitt Romney’s Michigan Finance Co-Chairman for Romney’s 2008 and 2012 run for President.   Mitt’s brother G. Scott Romney and in-law John Rakolta served as Mitt Romney’s National Finance Co-Chairmen.

David T. Fischer Jr. served at the Detroit Institute of Arts along with G. Scott Romney, and is a long time Romney family friend.

The Detroit-Michigan Mormon Mission Home is located in Farmington Hills, Michigan

For additional details see: “Michigan Misconduct” Blog: related post links:

Is Romney in the background stacking the deck? David T. Fischer Jr. appointed to the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission

Exposing Romney an interview with Debbie McCord-Skousen – on Jeenyus Corner

Romney’s Michigan Crime Family Exposed

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers Imitates Chicken Little


Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers is rotating his media blitz between impassioned pleas for CISPA, which Mike Rogers second wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers, stands to benefit from  
    http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130417/16253022748/oh-look-rep-mike-rogers-wife-stands-to-benefit-greatly-cispa-passing.shtml%3Cbr%20/%3E  and strong action against Syria.  Rogers’s political aspirations began to fizzle with the trouncing of Mitt Romney - Mike is a long time Romney family water-carrier. Rogers is trying to keep himself relevant and seizing a moment hoping to become a political leader in the struggling GOP.

 Mike Rogers, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman from Brighton. Michigan, is trumpeting his warning from one newscast to another with his views on Syria, stating there’s "mounting evidence that the Syrian government has been using its chemical arsenal” – not unlike Chicken Little who ran around screaming the ‘sky is falling’.

“There’s a high probability that a chemical agent was used in Aleppo,” Rogers said on CBS’s “This Morningprogram.  Rogers adding, “I’m an old FBI guy. I like to see forensic evidence.”  “Probability” is “forensic evidence”, since when Mike?   Although, Mike is touting his FBI background, Rogers worked organized crime and public corruption from 1989–1994, or approximately 5 years then Rogers left his job with the fed’s.  Not exactly an extensive career.  Outside of taking tips from the criminally minded Mike was ‘supposed’ to be investigating it is hard to see how Rogers limited FBI experience makes Mike an expert in forensic evidence.  

Red line has been crossed_ in Syria, Rogers says –

Rogers’s hometown  Livingston County, Michigan is a tightly controlled county run by inbred, “violent, irrational actors”  terms used by Mike to describe Syria are fitting descriptive words for Mike's own hometown.   Mike is hypocritical calling Syria “violent, irrational actors” and needs to look inward at the actions of his own county insides. Considering the public corruption that riddles Brighton and Livingston Michigan, the community the Rogers family controls. Mike learned an extensive amount during his stint in the FBI on how to run a community steeped in public corruption. The Rogers family fled the metro Detroit area to the then remote and rural community of Brighton during the early days when racial integration and busing were introduced and entrenched themselves in Livingston County politics. 

It is incredulous Rogers is attempting to invoke his FBI experience into the Syria issue. Given the toxic nature and betrayals of agents the likes of Aldrich Ames, Richard W. Miller, Robert Hansen, Earl Edwin Pitts all of whom passed secrets to the Russians, hardly gives an angelic pass on personal moral integrity and judgment by claiming ones service in the FBI.  Rogers will not answer whom Samuel J. Skousen was having week-day clandestine secret meetings with at Brighton Methodist Church, the church Mike Rogers attends. Nor, will Rogers say if Russian Alex Itkin helped Mike with his run for Congress.  Samuel Skousen is a dyed in the wool Mormon and rarely if ever, attended other churches outside his own, much less going into another church for secret, clandestine “meetings” during a time the Methodist Church regular church services were not in session.

Despite US officials telling The Associated Press that neither side had used chemical weapons in a battle near Aleppo, Rogers has not stopped beating his retaliatory drums against Syria. Rogers was equally convinced there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  Mike carried his war message against Iraq to his home town of Brighton and everywhere else Rogers spoke. More than 100,000 Iraqis were killed over the false claims of WMD and 4,475 American families lost their love ones in military service.

The President is correct in using caution and  investigating  allegation of chemical weapons use in Syria. During the Chechen War, Russia was accused of using chemical weapons and an international cry went out. On further investigation a fuel air bomb did not fully detonate causing burns similar to chemical weapons. Fuel air bombs are brutal and lethal to civilian population, even penetrating bunkers, but are considered conventional warfare. Humanitarian groups discourage the use of fuel-air bombs near civilian populations.

In 2007 Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers' Office was vandalized over the Iraq War “unknown individuals splattered red paint on the Lansing building and put up a sign saying the Republican has "blood" on his hands. They also spray painted the sidewalk with the words "no more deaths," glued shut the front door of the building and destroyed security cameras” said Andy Keiser, Rogers' chief of staff.

Rogers’s first wife divorced Mike on the heels of Rogers’s 2006 re-election run off and win against, former CIA agent and longtime friend of Valerie Plame, James Marcinkowski.  Rogers’s wife stating they had problems since the beginning of their marriage and filed for divorce from Mike Rogers. Mrs. Rogers had agreed to wait to file for divorce until after the election.  The three page divorce settlement gave everything to Mike’s wife. Mrs. Rogers must have had something good on Mike.

It is time Mike Rogers is voted out of office.

For additional information on the Syria conflicts see:

Richard Hass and Joshua Landis give additional insights and complications of the Syrian conflict on Charlie Rose (March 20, 2013)

References for this post and additional reading are located in the comments section: 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Detroit Corruption Trial of Kwame Kilpatrick and Romney family links

If John Rakolta was  extorted 5 million dollars, why isn't Rakolta on the witness stand?

Shouldn't Rakolta be on the witness stand, weeping and tell the jury and public how terrified he was of Kilpatrick. Shouldn’t the victim Rakolta, give a description on the witness stand how Kwame did a shake down on him and the mere presences of Kwame sent Rakolta into a state of uncontrollable fear?

 Did Terry Mullins shake Rakolta down also and strike the same cord of fear in Rakolta?  

Powerful John Rakolta, a Romney family in-law, the co-chair of Mitt Romney’s National Finance for Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, along with G.Scott Romney, from Michigan’s most powerful law firm, was terrified of Kwame Kilpatrick and handed over bundles of cash to Kilpatrick?

  Rakolta, a man whose relatives put in place governors, senators and congressmen into state and national positions, whose relatives have manipulated, mobbed, and covered-up child hood sexual abuse for decades in the Michigan Mormon Church was cowered by Kilpatrick?  Not to mention, one Romney family best friend is Karl Rove, noted for insidious political dirty tricks and who is also known  for taking out anyone in the way.

 Kilpatrick the man whom Peter Karmanos stated “is the best we have” and  collected funds from Michigan’s most powerful for Kwame. Karmanos who give KK  jobs, homes and protection- shakes Rakolta to the core?  John’s brother -in-law, Scott Romney, sits on the board of Compuware and is  long time close friend with Karmanos.  Kwame is some powerhouse of political clout!

 There is no doubt money was changing hands, contracts given, others bidders shut out. Is it extortion or willing partners in bribery and kick- backs?   Members of the Romney criminal syndicate are innocent victims?  Ridiculous. The Romney criminal syndicate act like thugs themselves.  During the RNC convention, votes were rigged and Republican delegates threatened, some hi-jacked and forced to stay on a bus to miss voting – all by members and supporters of Romney’s group, while Scott Romney guided the Romney family and state GOP friends into the most lush accommodations  and favored seating offered during the RNC convention.  The Romney family that has bought off judges, attorneys and rig voting are terrified by Kilpatrick?

 There was money exchanging hands, favors done, maybe even cover-ups.  Kilpatrick looks more like a ‘wise guy’ or someone the Romney criminal syndicate would see their Detroit black stooge, maybe one that got too greedy for them, cut a little too much into the profits they were racking in from  Detroit contracts.

Derrick Miller, Kilpatrick’s friend and liberal democrat, surprisingly stood on stage and backed Republican Mitt Romney for President.  Ferguson went from Kwame to work for Rakolta.  Even Tony Soave is a Romney backer, Synagro is owned by Carlyle  Group and were also backers of Romney - the list goes on. 

 This should make every Michigan citizen wonder and question who the real criminals are in Detroit and Michigan.

I already know-