Monday, May 24, 2010

Mitt Romney Backed South Carolina Nikki Haley Under Heat For An Affair -

Last March 16th, Gov. Romney endorsed Representative Nikki Haley for Governor of South Carolina
. In today’s news, GOP blogger Will Folks has gone public with a statement he had an inappropriate relationship with the female GOP for Governor of South Carolina hopeful.

Folk’s is a well-known GOP blogger and founding editor of “Fitsnews”. Folk’s has been described as “that disarmingly attractive and diabolically brilliant man”. Folks worked for U. S. Congressman Mark Sanford in media relations for Sanford, later working as Gov. Sanford’s spokesperson from 2001-2005. In addition to political wheeling-and-dealing Will Folks has a musical side, playing bass guitar in an alternative rock band.

Folks reason for coming forward now?

“...within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media. I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week. Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.“

Who was asking questions?

Will Folks had been contacted on May 14 in regards to the affair by Free Times. Free Times has been investigating the allegations of the Haley/Folk affair. From reports the affair was common knowledge among political insiders in S.C. State House. Folks is said to have admitted to the affair a year ago, with reports the affair between Haley and Folk were admitted as early as 2008.

Has Romney hit sour note with his Nikki Haley fascination?


A second man has step forward and claimed a one night stand with Haley --

“Lobbyist Larry Marchant Jr. alleged that he had sex with Haley in June 2008 and spent a night with her during a school choice conference in Salt Lake City.”

Salt Lake City? Mitt what's up?

References in comments section



  2. I dont hate mormons some of my best friends are Mormons

  3. I can understand Square Peg why many of your friends are Mormon, are you?

    “both, my client and I called Square Peg individually. We talked to a guy there who said it was a mistake. In summary, he said he hired a 3rd party designer from India to off-load some of the work, and he asked if he can use one (or some) of the designer's web sites in their portfolio. One of the sites this Indian designer claimed as his, was Excel Diamonds, a site we designed originally and then again in March 2007 - even before Square Peg's domain was registered, which was on July 2009.
    Eventually we talked to Square Peg and they immediately took the site off their
    “Square Peg Web Design took one of our web sites, that we designed for our clients and ... What kind of business owner does that? .... Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick, a New York Web service firm specializing”
    portfolio. They said it was a big mistake and they apologize for not doing their due diligence for validating that the site was designed by who their Indian designer said it was from.
    Do I believe him? Honestly, I do. I wish I didn't. I mean, it is just bad business doing something like that and I wish he was lying to me.

    Believe it or not, this was not the first time someone took credit for our work.”
