Thursday, March 11, 2010

Romney Breathtaking Ignorance

Romney’s “No Apology” book tour is giving journalist and bloggers plenty of ammunition. "Ignorance" is a word popping up among many describing Romney’s views from health care, to Romney's foreign-policy. Dr. John Herpel, MD, after hearing Romney on “Talk of the Nation” program, wrote a comment titled “Ignorance is Amazing”. The good doctor after hearing Romney statements on free emergency room care, being the current ‘universal health’ coverage the US has, wrote: “The breathtaking ignorance and arrogance shown by this response just simply floored me — from a major politician, no less.”

"Ignorant" is one of the kinder words used in describing Romney's positions on foreign-policy by Spencer Ackerman, article in the Washington Independent, who also used the words imagination, paranoid global fantasies, ignorance, invective, deterministic myopia. It is nice to see Romney picking up rave reviews as he barnstorms across the nation promoting his book.

Ackerman’s article in full can be read here:

Romney’s foreign policy seems to be as out dated as his statements regarding Toyota in his newly released book. It is good Romney is giving away free copies at several of his book tour stops, the admission price is one must listen to Romney’s speech. Ugh!

Patrick Barry posted a piece which speaks for itself:

Kansas State University is quietly becoming DOD's preferred venue for saying nice things about the State Department and USAID and warning about military dominance of US foreign policy, and that's a problem for Mitt Romney. Admiral Mullen, yesterday:
“US foreign policy is still too dominated by the military, too dependent upon the generals and admirals who lead our major overseas commands and not enough on the State Department.”

Mullen's speech followed a 2007 Kansas State address by Secretary Gates, which called for a "dramatic increase in spending on the civilian instruments of national security." Though not exactly news (Gates and Mullen have made such comments on several occasions), the timing could not be worse for the Mittster. This is because nestled among the bizarre foreign policy ideas catalogued in Romney's new book, No Apology, is his recommendation that diplomatic relations be turned over to an "ambassador from CENTCOM or any of the other regional military commands.” So, just as the Pentagon is reiterating its concern about the dangerous militarization of U.S. foreign policy, Mitt Romney is releasing a book arguing that U.S. foreign policy should be militarized even more? Yikes.

The one positive note -- Romney has plenty of time for a change of opinion. There may even be time for a revised edition of his book!

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